Start small or really really big

From grandparents to businessmen, everyone has something to contribute to Jesus Schools. Jesus sees it all. And like Him, we love to see His name magnified.

Spread the Word

Jesus’ favorite method for sharing good news was by word-of-mouth, and it’s our favorite, too. So, please help us spread the word about what Jesus is doing in the classroom and how we can join Him.

Support Financially

The needs to advance Jesus Schools around the world are endless. Everyone has something to give, and we are abundantly grateful for whatever you can offer.

Pray Boldly

Jesus alone changes hearts and it is by His blessing that our efforts succeed. So join us in crying out to the Lord for His help and wisdom. We would love to share some of our prayer requests with you.

Start a School

Know somewhere that doesn’t yet have a Jesus School? Let’s figure out how to get one started. We have some great partners who can help you get started. We also recommend you check out some of the resources on our page.

Stay Connected

The Jesus Schools movement is just beginning. We are confident that the Lord will continue to do amazing things around the world through these schools. And as He does, we want you to know about it and share in our joy.

Join in the Joy

You’ll be the first to receive stories of joy and inspiration along with information on how you can be a part of the movement.